Wednesday, October 27, 2010


With global warming comes multiple controversies.  Some of these controversies include the cause of global warming, whether global warming itself is even real, what the consequences of global warming will be, and what actions should be taken to prevent them.  The majority of people do believe that global warming is in fact real, and that it is human-caused, but there are also a group of people that don't.  Although there is scientific consensus on the subject, people don't believe that there is a great enough trend pertaining to the increase in global temperatures.  This isn't necessarily because there is not enough data that supports this... but because there is not enough long-term data, or because it is just not clear enough to read.  Others believe that scientists who already believe that global warming is real, are looking at the statistics and trying to find signs that point to global warming instead of simply reading what is there. And lastly, there are just people that believe the increase of global temperatures is just natural and that we should still do our best to reduce greenhouse gases, but it is not the cause.
      The next controversy is if global warming will even have an affect on our planet. There are scientists that believe global warming is a real thing, but that it will not lead to anything catastrophic.  They believe that if the temperature change is subtle, plants and animals will adapt to change, and that longer growing seasons, changing weather patterns, and stronger storms are not the worst thing in the world.  WORST OF ALL, they believe that if we do cut down on the emission of green house gases, we will be harming human worse than the affects of global warming would.
      All in all, the main conclusion that we have come to is that global warming is in fact a very REAL thing, the only questions that remain unanswered are when we will start to undergo the consequences, and to what extent we will be affected


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