Wednesday, October 27, 2010



Dead coral as a result of global warming
    So as many things have negatively affected coral reefs such as over fishing, and water pollution... GLOBAL WARMING has been listed as the greatest threat to coral reefs!!!It is said that as a result of global warming... Coral Reefs will be the first major ecosystem to be wiped off the planet.  Why does this happen?As the temperature of the water continues to increase, the algae in the ocean will produce toxic oxygen compounds known as superoxides which damage the corals. In order to defend themselves, the coral ejects algal lodgers( a defense mechanism,) which leaves the reefs longing for nutrients.  This process is known as bleaching, and if global warming progresses, it will affect one third of planet marines, in addition to other ecosystems related to coral reefs.  Another effect of global warming is the increase of C02 in our ocean waters.  The NOS organization (National Ocean Service) says that an increase in C02 levels results in the reduction of calcification in coral reefs which is going to affect all of the organisms in the coral reef.  This happens because when the ocean waters absorb C02, it causes something called "ocean acidification," which adversely affects the coral reef and its organisms.  As all of this scientific information is hard for the average person to understand... it is extremely important that we make ourselves aware of what is going on, because one day we could wake up and coral reefs as we know them will be gone.  Of course it wont happen that quickly, but gradually, this theory that scientists have, may eventually become a truth.

References:, ( Global Warming Effects on Coral Reef Ecosystems)

Healthy Coral Reef

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