Monday, October 25, 2010


So not only does global warming affect our animals, and disease, but it also will affect our weather patterns! Studies show that global warming is going to intensify  weather patterns to the extreme!! So what does this mean?  It simply means we will have rougher hurricanes, increase of wildfires, droughts, floods, and heat waves.  As much as weather changes will affect us, this is not our only problem.  

: Because the climate is increasing, insurance companies are recalculating the cost of protection, resulting in the INCREASE in price of a premium. 

WILDFIRES:  With an increase in temperatures, hot, dry summers will be common... the PERFECT conditions for forest fires. Forest fires are 
dangerous and can result in the loss of LAND, NATURAL RESOURCES, and LIVES!!!!

Man in Costa Rica whose crops are affected
from the increase of temperatures
DROUGHTS: With scorching summers, this could mean less grain production in the United States which means an increase in the price of food and less food being shipped to third world countries.  This also means that places like Colorado, Nevada, and California will most likely have reduced water supply because of longer seasons

FLOODS: With excessive amounts of rain, our water could be contaminated.  If the water is not cleaned, this can also result in an increase of disease and sickness. Floods can also result in loss of lives, property, and crop-loss which can affect our amount of U.S crops produced

HEAT WAVES: Heat waves will result in an increase of smog, as well as increase of wildfires, crop-loss, heat-trapping emissions, and hospitalization.  

These are just a few affects of weather patterns changing.  It really will never end.  Everything is interconnected, so when one thing is affected, another is, and so on, resulting in a domino effect... Its something that we cannot escape.

References: Environmental Defense Fund

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